continues with over eight million members worldwide.
If you look
at the statistics you know that this is not true. The above comment is making
an assumption base on a short term view and predicting a long term result with
It’s like
focusing on one tooth of a circular saw instead of looking at the entire saw
blade and the direction it’s cutting.
In the 5
years prior to 1975, the number of publishers was increasing at an average of
15% per year. During the 1980s and early 1990s, growth continued at over 5% per
year. This has fallen to between 1 -2%,
The WT is
not getting stronger, it is getting weaker.
– The Governing Body are more firmly entrenched than ever and without challenge
Never in the
history of the WT Organization have there been so many people that are
challenging the GB. They are being questioned, made fun of, and force to
testify by authorities, (Royal Commission) and made to look like weak humans.
There are hundreds of videos, blogs, and websites pulling back the curtain on
these imbeciles.
pays no salaries, provides no charity of any depth, so as a result is one of
the most profitable religions in the business.
When was the
last time you heard the Mormons beg for money? Or any other religion for that
matter. If money was no problem, business would continue as usual. The recent
changes are visible proof that they are reacting to danger.
Is this their
demise, no,
but it is visible proof that;
they are not as powerful,
deep pockets are not that deep,
and the growth is barely 2% annual growth.